Saturday, July 16, 2011


The thorn in my side...the pain in my rear...aka homework. I hate correcting it, I hate dealing with it, I hate making it, I hate everything about it. My principal last year was confusing on this topic...assign it, but don't use copies. The students should have to do it, but don't punish them for not doing it. I tried everyday, I have tried once a month, I have tried once a week. UGH!!!! So I have decided that the first step in making this thorn a little better is to make it easier.
In my school, we have Thursday Folders. Why not send home all the notes and stuff AND homework. Goes home Thursday and due on Thursday. That way I only need one folder for home - notes and homework.
Second, I put my homework on a four week rotation. Each group has different spelling words, but the same assignments.
Reading will be a reading log and then a reading response that goes with the reading strategy from the last month.
Math will be Homelinks (Everyday math) from the last chapter.
Writing will also be a four block with final draft.

Here are my Reading and Spelling Assignments.

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